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Hospital Patient Fall Injuries

The assurance of patient safety should be a part of responsibility of any healthcare or medical center. Hospital patient falls are among the incidents to be considered a never event.

Most hospital patient fall injuries, which happen in medical centers by patients in healthcare, due to the hospital medical staff, are completely preventable.

These falls can severely injure patients, and prevent or delay any likelihood of recovery. Many medicines can have an effect on the mental and physical capacity of a patient.

Unfortunately, accidents do happen. However, medical staff should be held accountable for their mistakes. If you’re a victim of hospital patient fall injuries, you need a good personal injury lawyer in Nashua, New Hampshire.

Common Patient Injuries & Side Effects from Medical Accidents

Medical centers should be aware of any likely side effects that may cause falls, and make preparations to assist patients when necessary to move between areas. Certain procedures may have an effect on blood pressure, which can cause dizziness and vertigo.

Proper precautions and mobility devices are necessary for individuals who will have challenges with their mobility. Various factors and medications may result in a change in vision, which can increase any likelihood of falls.

Hospital Fall Prevention

Most hospital accidents can be attributed to falls.

According to recent research, approximately 40% of all accidents in hospitals are falls, which should be preventable.

In the New England Journal of Internal Medicine, a published study cited that falls occur for every thousand patients between three and seven times in medical centers.

Approximately 85% of the falls occur directly in the room of a patient, and about 30% result in catastrophic injuries.

This rate, which is much too high, can be significantly diminished by the medical staff when it follows safety procedures, since falls are considered a never event.

Wheelchairs, walkers, and various other devices are necessary to be available in preventing falls.

Many faults occur when a patient is transferred between places, such as making an exit from the bed to use a bedside toilet or the bathroom.

Alarms should be placed for nursing staff in the situation a patient tries to leave the bed when he or she should not be moved. All nurse call systems to assist patients need to be in top working order, and within a patient’s reach. But, unfortunately, this isn’t always the case.

Are you a victim of hospital patient fall injuries?

You need an aggressive lawyer to help fight for compensation you rightfully deserve. We may be able to help you collect compensation for your medical expenses and even loss of income.

Why do you need an attorney? Why not just file an accident claim on your own?

Hospitals have tough attorneys working on their behalf. So, they are less likely to compensate a fallen victim liberally. There are one or two things that can happen when a patient tries to sue a hospital for his/her injuries. You will be awarded the least amount of money for your claim or your claim will be flat out denied.

Hiring an experienced attorney who specializes in hospital falls will improve your chances of winning the settlement you deserve. To find out if you are eligible for compensation, Contact us for a free consultation or call Anzalone Law Firm PLLC, at: 603.548.3797

Client Reviews
Great lawyer...Professional, organized, caring and effective. Michael is very informative and was always willing to explain the reasons behind what was being done. Can't say enough about how helpful he was every step of the way. It was really nice to feel like I actually understood what was going on with my case. Catherine Veilleux