Picture of Michael Anzalone

Alcohol Related Boat Accidents

Under the influence of drugs or alcohol, boating can be hazardous, and illegal, which can often result in deaths.

Nearly half of all boat collisions, in fact, are alcohol related boat accidents.

Essentially, statistics reveal that the use of alcohol is normally vastly more hazardous on water than on land.

The motion and the vibration of the boat, along with engine noise, sun, spray, and wind seem to exacerbate the impairment of the operator.

Boat operators normally at a quicker rate than a motor vehicle operator become very fatigued.

This basically diminishes their judgment, reaction time, and coordination, namely when alcohol or drugs or consumed.

The abilities of an operator of a boat behind the wheel can be vastly influenced by alcohol and drugs.

This is due to the fact that many boaters have minimal experience and lack confidence on the water in comparison to operating on land a motorized vehicle.

Alcohol, in addition, is identified as a depressant, which can create adverse effects on the central nervous system.

The operator, as a result, has altered coordination, vision, judgment, and balance.

Typical types of alcohol-related boat accidents normally entail the consumption of alcohol or drugs where the boat becomes capsized, or operators and passengers go overboard.

An operator of a motorized boat, in addition, with a blood alcohol concentration level of 0.10% or more is more than 10 times likely to get killed in a boat accident, in comparison to a boat operator not indulging in alcohol.

Effects of Alcohol on Judgment

Under the influence of alcohol in a boat can threaten the safety and well-being of operators and passengers out on the water.

Boat operators and passengers when consuming alcohol can be affected by many abilities. Typical effects of the consumption of alcohol can include the following:

Both cognitive abilities and judgment can easily deteriorate with alcohol consumption. This can make it vastly more of a challenge to process information, make adequate choices, and assess the situation.

Alcohol can result in creating chronic balance issues, causing a lack of coordination, and increasing the duration of time it takes for reaction.

Individuals who consume alcohol are likely to have affected vision where there is decreased night and peripheral vision.

Alcohol can also diminish an ability for depth perception, and visual focus. Many boat operators and passengers lose an ability to distinguish between colors, namely red and green.

Alcohol can result in inner ear disturbance, to make it unlikely for any operator or passenger falling overboard to distinguish between up and down difference.

Consuming alcohol can produce a false sensation of warmth of the body.

Physically, this false sensation may create a scenario where a person in cold water may not get out before the occurrence of hypothermia, which can cause severe damage to the body, or fatality.

If you become involved in one of the alcohol-related boat accidents where someone at-fault played a role in the consumption of drugs or alcohol, contact us for a free consultation or call Anzalone Law Firm PLLC, at: 603.548.3797.

Client Reviews
Great lawyer...Professional, organized, caring and effective. Michael is very informative and was always willing to explain the reasons behind what was being done. Can't say enough about how helpful he was every step of the way. It was really nice to feel like I actually understood what was going on with my case. Catherine Veilleux